

For historical changelog entries, please see our 2019 and 2018 release notes.

2020-05-12 / New shield alert events

As of today, Box Shield will begin producing new security events within the enterprise event stream for Shield customers who are configured to listen for the new events.

The possible incident events produced by Shield are:

  • Suspicious locations
  • Suspicious sessions
  • Anomalous download
  • Malicious content

See the shield alert events documentation for more information on the payloads produced within these events.

2020-04-23 / New classification field for Files

A new optional field has been made available within the Field object, classification. This field represents the classification that is currently applied to a file.

The classification can be requested via any endpoint that returns a file, like the Get file information and supports requesting additional fields.

  "id": "123456789",
  "type": "file",
  "etag": "1",
  "classification": {     
    "name": "Top Secret",     
    "definition": "Content that should not be shared outside the company.",
    "color": "#FF0000"

The classification can be set through the API, Box Shield, or by a user using the web application.

2020-04-23 / Add new uploader_display_name field to file and file versions

A new field, uploader_display_name has been added to both file and file version resources. This field provides the name of the user at the time of upload.

  "uploader_display_name": "Ellis Wiggins"

This field can be requested on any of the file and file version endpoints by providing the fields query parameter, for example:

curl -X GET \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'

When the file is uploaded by a logged out anonymous, the email of the user is returned instead. If no email is available then the field will default to the text Someone.

2020-04-21 / New Metadata Query APIs available

A new API is now available that allows developers to query files and folders by the metadata attached to them. We've updated the reference documentation for this Metadata Query API, as well as released some brand new guides and an update to the metadata quick start guide.

2020-03-30 / Potential impactful changes to format of Metadata date fields

As part of ongoing improvements to our Metadata infrastructure we will be rolling out three potential impactful changes to the format of date fields in metadata templates. These changes make the format our API returns more consistent between API calls.

The first change affects the usage of time zone offsets in dates. Previously, the API would inconsistently return dates with and without timezone offsets if a date was set to include one. From now on all dates are converted to UTC / Zulu-time, removing the timezone offset.

For example:

  • Assume a date was set to 2020-02-20T12:00:00.000-01:00
  • Previously the API would return 2020-02-20T12:00:00.000-01:00 (the original value) or 2020-02-20T13:00:00.000Z (the UTC adjusted value)
  • From now on it will always return 2020-02-20T13:00:00.000Z (the UTC adjusted value)

The second change affects the sub-second precision of dates returned by the metadata API. Previously, the API would return values with 0 to 3 digits of sub-second precision. From now on Box will always return metadata date-time values with millisecond precision.

For example:

  • Previously the API might return 2020-02-20T12:00:00Z, 2020-02-20T12:00:00.0Z, 2020-02-20T12:00:00.00Zor 2020-02-20T12:00:00.000Z
  • From now on it will always return 2020-02-20T12:00:00.000Z

The final change affects the usage of the test operation when updating a metadata instance. Previously the test would compare the date-time values using the literal string value. After this update they are compared using their UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

For example:

  • Previously 2020-01-21T19:20:00.123-08:00 would not be equivalent to 2020-01-22T03:20:00.123Z
  • From now on 2020-01-21T19:20:00.123-08:00 is equivalent to 2020-01-22T03:20:00.123Z

How this can affect an application

Any application that implements RFC3339-compliant date-time parsing will not need to perform any action as these are all valid RFC3339 values representing the same dates. Any application that does not implement RFC3339 compliant date-time parsing should be updated to do so.

All official Box SDKs support RFC3339-compliant date-time parsing, so any application using an up-to-date version of an official Box SDK would not require any update.

What do if this affected your application

Roll-out of this change will be performed gradually over the next few weeks. Although the metadata team will be monitoring potential impact, please reach out to your customer success manager or our support channels if you find yourself impacted.

2020-03-30 / Change to metadata instance version

As part of ongoing improvements to our Metadata infrastructure we will be rolling out a small change to the version value of a metadata Instance.

Previously, the version number associated with a metadata instance would be incremented if a field on the associated metadata template was deleted, or if an enum field's option was deleted on the associated metadata template.

Going forward, these changes will not increment the version number of a metadata instance.

This behavior has always been implicit and we recognize that very little value can be derived form to the metadata instance version. Therefore we do not expect this change to have any impact on any of our customers. Regardless, please reach out to your customer success manager or our support channels if you find yourself impacted.

2020-02-03 / Preview SDK v2.34.0 Released

Version 2.34.0 of the Preview SDK has been released. New JavaScript and CSS Preview files have been made available. To adopt new changes, please see the UI Elements manual installation links for Content Preview.

Please see the v2.34.0 release notes for a list of all feature changes.

2020-01-22 / Preview SDK v2.33.1 Released

Version 2.33.1 of the Preview SDK has been released. New JavaScript and CSS Preview files have been made available. To adopt new changes, please see the UI Elements manual installation links for Content Preview.

Please see the v2.33.1 release notes for a list of all feature changes.

2020-01-20 / Refreshed Postman Collection & Quick Start

The Box Postman collection has been updated with new features and an integrated quick-start guide. Key features include:

  • An end-to-end Postman quick-start guide that helps users to install Postman, set up a Box App, and load their API credentials into Postman.
  • A restructured Postman collection for the Box APIs that automatically detects when API credentials have expired and offers integrated solutions for refreshing these credentials when needed.

The legacy Postman collection will remain available for the foreseeable future.