Setup with App Tokens

Setup with App Tokens

A Custom App can be set up to use server-side App Tokens for authentication.

Learn how App Token authentication works


To set up a Custom App using App Token authentication you will need to pass the following requirements.

Create the app

1. Log in to the Developer Console

Head over to the Developer Console and select "Create New App".

2. Create a Custom App

Select the "Custom App" option from the list of application types and select "Next".

Application selection screen

3. Select App Token authentication

On the next screen, select "Standard OAuth 2.0 (User Authentication)" and select "Next".

Auth selection screen

4. Provide a name

Finally, provide a unique name for your application. This name needs to be unique across all applications on Box.

App name form

App Authorization

Before the application can be used and App Tokens can be created, the application will need to be authorized within the Box enterprise by the enterprise Admin User.

Head over to your application in the developer console and select the "General" link from the left sidebar in your application and scroll down to the "App Authorization" section.

Add and Manage keys

By submitting the application for authorization you will send an email to your enterprise admin to have them enable your application. More information on this process is available in our community article on app authorization.

Basic configuration

Before the application can be used, some basic additional configuration might be required.

Primary and Secondary App Tokens

Authentication in this kind of application is done through preconfigured App Tokens. To configure an app token, head over to the developer console, select your application, and select the "Configuration" panel from the left-hand sidebar.

Now scroll down to the "Primary Access Token" section and create a first Access Token by selecting the "Generate Key" button.

Create an app token

Tokens can be configured to automatically expire or be valid indefinitely. After creation, the key will be enabled and can be used to make API calls.

App authorization

App Tokens can not be generated until the application has been authorized.

CORS Domains

If your application is making API calls from front-end browser code in Javascript then the domain that these calls will be made from will need to be whitelisted for Cross Origin Resource Sharing, also known as CORS.

Fill in the full URI(s) of the domains that should be enabled in your application to make these kind of requests. If all requests will be made from server-side code, this section may be left blank.

App name form