The Box DICOM Viewer allows developers to store, view and share DICOM files like X-rays, CT scans, Ultrasounds and MRIs securely with Box while still embedding the viewer into their own application.

Box DICOM viewer

The Box DICOM Viewer is an FDA cleared Class II Medical Device for diagnostic viewing. It is a zero-footprint HTML5 viewer and can be embedded into an application in an <iframe> or with a Javascript SDK.

If you are a developer and want to embed the Box DICOM Viewer into your application, please email us at for more information.

Current Version

The current version for Box DICOM is

Update to v1.3.0 or higher

If you are using a version of the DICOM Viewer prior to v1.3.0, please upgrade to v1.3.0 or higher.

Supported Locales

To use a different locale, replace en-US in the Javascript download URL above with any of the following supported locales:


<iframe> Embed

The Box DICOM viewer can be embedded in a HTML iframe or linked to directly. The URL pattern for the Box DICOM Viewer is as follows.{FILE_ID}

The File ID can be obtained from the API or from the Box web application user interface.

<iframe> Parameters

The following options can be provided as query string parameters:

accessTokenA Box API access token
sharedNameA global link to a folder
toolbarA boolean parameter to show or hide the top toolbar. Default is true.
overlaysA boolean parameter to show or hide the text overlays. Default is true.
worklistA boolean parameter to show or hide the side worklist. Default is true.

After the URL has been constructed, it can be embedded in an iframe or be linked to directly.

The following is an example of an iframe embed.

<iframe width="800"
  <p>Box DICOM Viewer</p>

allowfullscreen is required The allowfullscreen attribute is required

for the Box DICOM viewer's full-screen function to work properly.

Javascript SDK


Quick Start Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>Box DICOM Viewer</title>
    <script src=""></script>

    <div class="box-dicom-viewer-body"></div>
      box.dicom.createViewer(document.querySelector(".box-dicom-viewer-body"), {
        accessToken: "ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE",
        studies: [{ fileId: "FILE_ID_HERE" }]

JS SDK Parameters

The primary function to create a viewer is box.dicom.createViewer(). The proper definition is:

box.dicom.createViewer(element, config);
elementThe DOM element to initialize the viewer into. Can be either a string (a DOM element ID) or an Element (a DOM element).
configThe configuration object.

The config is a Javascript object with many possible options in the form of properties.

accessTokenThe access token for the user. Must have access to the .boxdicom file AND all of the individual .dcm files.
studiesAn array of studies to load. Each study is an object. Each study object can specify a study by the Box File ID ("fileID": "123456").
overlaysOptional overlay configuration details.
toolbarOptional toolbar configuration details.
worklistOptional worklist configuration details.
hangingProtocolsOptional hanging protocols to control the layout and display settings of the study.

You can enable / disable overlays using the visible property:

  "accessToken": "asdf",
  "studies": [
    /* ... */
  "overlays": {
    "visible": false

You can control which fields are displayed using the fields property:

  "accessToken": "asdf",
  "studies": [
    /* ... */
  "overlays": {
    "visible": true,
    "fields": [

You can show / hide the toolbar using the visible property.

  "accessToken": "asdf",
  "studies": [
    /* ... */
  "toolbar": {
    "visible": false

You can control which buttons are displayed using the buttons property:

  "accessToken": "asdf",
  "studies": [
    /* ... */
  "toolbar": {
    "visible": true,
    "buttons": [

You can show / hide the worklist using the visible property.

  "accessToken": "asdf",
  "studies": [
    /* ... */
  "worklist": {
    "visible": false

DICOM Import Javascript SDK

The Box DICOM Import tool intelligently crawls through folders and subfolders to find your DICOM data. It can recognize non-DICOM to avoid uploading unwanted content such as executables. The resulting files are organized by patient and study details.

The Box DICOM Import widget can be embedded in your applications using the JavaScript SDK.

box.dicom.createImportWidget("my-container", {
  accessToken: "MY_ACCESS_TOKEN",
  folderId: "MY_FOLDER_ID"

Here is an example of how to use the "success" callback:

box.dicom.createImportWidget("my-dicom-import-container", {
  folderId: "123",
  accessToken: "abc",
  success: function(e) {
      "Patient Name = " +
    console.log("Folder ID= " + e.getStudy().getFolderId());
    console.log("File ID     = " + e.getStudy().getFileId());

Available Overlay Fields

box.dicom.core.Tag.AdditionalPatientHistory, box.dicom.core.Tag.BitsAllocated, box.dicom.core.Tag.BitsStored, box.dicom.core.Tag.BluePaletteColorLookupTableData, box.dicom.core.Tag.BluePaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor, box.dicom.core.Tag.BodyPartExamined, box.dicom.core.Tag.Columns, box.dicom.core.Tag.CompensatorPixelSpacing, box.dicom.core.Tag.GreenPaletteColorLookupTableData, box.dicom.core.Tag.GreenPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor, box.dicom.core.Tag.FrameOfReferenceUID, box.dicom.core.Tag.HighBit, box.dicom.core.Tag.ImageOrientationPatient, box.dicom.core.Tag.ImagePlanePixelSpacing, box.dicom.core.Tag.ImagePositionPatient, box.dicom.core.Tag.ImagerPixelSpacing, box.dicom.core.Tag.InstanceNumber, box.dicom.core.Tag.InstitutionName, box.dicom.core.Tag.Item, box.dicom.core.Tag.ItemDelimitationItem, box.dicom.core.Tag.ModalitiesInStudy, box.dicom.core.Tag.Modality, box.dicom.core.Tag.NumberOfFrames, box.dicom.core.Tag.OverlayColumns, box.dicom.core.Tag.OverlayData, box.dicom.core.Tag.OverlayRows, box.dicom.core.Tag.PatientAge, box.dicom.core.Tag.PatientBirthDate, box.dicom.core.Tag.PatientName, box.dicom.core.Tag.PatientID, box.dicom.core.Tag.PatientSex, box.dicom.core.Tag.PhotometricInterpretation, box.dicom.core.Tag.PixelData, box.dicom.core.Tag.PixelRepresentation, box.dicom.core.Tag.PixelSpacing, box.dicom.core.Tag.PresentationPixelSpacing, box.dicom.core.Tag.PrinterPixelSpacing, box.dicom.core.Tag.ProtocolName, box.dicom.core.Tag.RedPaletteColorLookupTableData, box.dicom.core.Tag.RedPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor, box.dicom.core.Tag.ReferringPhysicianName, box.dicom.core.Tag.RescaleIntercept, box.dicom.core.Tag.RescaleSlope, box.dicom.core.Tag.Rows, box.dicom.core.Tag.SequenceDelimitationItem, box.dicom.core.Tag.SeriesDescription, box.dicom.core.Tag.SeriesInstanceUID, box.dicom.core.Tag.SeriesNumber, box.dicom.core.Tag.SOPInstanceUID, box.dicom.core.Tag.SpecificCharacterSet, box.dicom.core.Tag.StudyDate, box.dicom.core.Tag.StudyDescription, box.dicom.core.Tag.StudyInstanceUID, box.dicom.core.Tag.TransferSyntaxUID, box.dicom.core.Tag.WindowCenter, box.dicom.core.Tag.WindowCenterWidthExplanation, box.dicom.core.Tag.WindowWidth

Available Toolbar Options

box.dicom.viewer.Toolbar.Buttons.Log, box.dicom.viewer.Toolbar.Buttons.Separato, box.dicom.viewer.Toolbar.Buttons.Stac, box.dicom.viewer.Toolbar.Buttons.WindowLeve, box.dicom.viewer.Toolbar.Buttons.Zoo, box.dicom.viewer.Toolbar.Buttons.Pa, box.dicom.viewer.Toolbar.Buttons.ThreeDCurso, box.dicom.viewer.Toolbar.Buttons.Annotate, box.dicom.viewer.Toolbar.Buttons.Separato, box.dicom.viewer.Toolbar.Buttons.Gri, box.dicom.viewer.Toolbar.Buttons.Overlay, box.dicom.viewer.Toolbar.Buttons.More