Box View

Box View

Box View is an embeddable service for displaying a high-fidelity interactive file viewer with web and mobile applications.


View Any File

Embed documents, images, videos, 360-degree videos and images, 3D models, and dozens of other files in any web or mobile app using a standard <iframe> or JavaScript SDK.

Optimized Viewing Experience

Our Javascript SDK dynamically selects the appropriate viewer for your file to render instantly and crisply on any web or mobile device.

Ease of Use

Upload files to Box via a secure API and receive an embeddable HTML5 snippet to place into your application's user interface. Plus, your files are securely stored and manageable in Box.

Collaboration in Context

Allow end users to collaborate and mark up documents, presentations, and images with annotations. Users can highlight text or comment on specific areas of a file rendering.

How does Box View work

  1. Upload files into Box using our secure upload API. All content is stored in Box's secure cloud storage infrastructure with virus scanning and 256 bit encryption.
  2. Files are converted into HTML5 compatible assets upon upload, which are designed to render crisply and responsively.
  3. An embeddable URL is requested to access the file rendering. Previews can be embedded directly in your application using an <iframe> URL or with the Javascript SDK.

Customize Your Experience with Box Content Preview

Box Content Preview may be used to create customized client-side experiences with the converted files.

Box View is currently available exclusively to existing Box View API and Crocodoc customers. To learn more, visit our FAQs.