GuidesSSO & App users
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SSO & App users

SSO & App users

Single Sign-On (SSO) services are often used as part of a company's Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution. When deployed, these services grant users the ability to securely authenticate multiple applications by logging in once, with only one set of credentials (username and password).

graph LR a[SSO User] --- b[Custom Box App] b --- c[Box App User]

Box is one of the applications that can be connected to the SSO service of a company. Integrating these applications into your custom apps will allow you to provision Box users on the fly for any of your end users, without those users knowing they have a Box account.

Popular SSO services include Okta, Auth0, Microsoft Azure AD, OneLogin, G Suite, and Ping Identity, but there are many others that may be deployed.

Connecting SSO to apps

When integrating SSO services into a Box application programmatically, we are referring to the following flow.

sequenceDiagram participant Browser participant Web Server participant SSO Provider Browser->>+Web Server: User visits web app Web Server->>-Browser: Redirected to SSO Browser->>+SSO Provider: User logs in SSO Provider->>-Browser: Redirected back to web app Browser->>+Web Server: Pass SSO user details Web Server-->>+Box API: Find or create a new app user Box API-->>-Web Server: Return app user details Web Server->>-Browser: Display files to user
  1. A user accesses your web or mobile application in a logged out state.
  2. The user is redirected to your SSO provider to log in, typically via OAuth 2 and OpenID Connect.
  3. After login, the user is redirected back to your application along with their SSO identity credentials.
  4. Your application does a check to see if an associated Box account already exists for this user.
  5. If an existing Box account already exists for this user, the application uses the SSO identity to make API calls on behalf of that user in Box.
  6. If there is not already an associated Box account for this user, a new Box user account is created based on the SSO identity. The unique user ID from the SSO service is then linked to the new Box user, creating an association between the two accounts. This new Box user is then API calls on behalf of that user in Box.

Box web app and SSO

If you wish to connect your SSO service to the Box website instead of a Box application, Box provides a number of integration options for supporting SSO integrations of the Box web application via SAML 2.0.