Methods and Operations

Methods and Operations

Toolkit Details

Class Name: box.Toolkit

Instance Variables


String to indicate the most recent error that occurred when calling instance methods.

The presence of this string does not mean the operation failed. It is possible the error was recoverable; however, the lack of a value in this string does indicate the operation was successful.

Enum CollaborationType

Enum to indicate the type of collaboration.


Static Methods


Method to clear association between Service Account and Box for Salesforce integration. This can be used to change the service account if an incorrect one is being used.


  • None


  • true if the user's account existed and was deleted.
  • false if the user's account was not deleted for any reason (including because it didn't exist).


userIdidThe Id of the user whose credentials are to be cleared.


  • true if the user's account existed and was deleted.
  • false if the user's account was not deleted for any reason (including because it didn't exist).

Instance Methods (Constructors / Destructors)



  • None


Treat this method as a destructor for the box.Toolkit() method.

This method is critical. It must be called after all folder / collaboration operations are complete. Every time. No Exceptions.

Since Salesforce doesn't allow callouts after database updates / inserts / deletes have occurred, the Toolkit class maintains some collections of objects to be inserted once all callout operations are complete. If this method is not called, those objects won't be in the database, and the tables that keep track of user / record / folder associations will be out of sync and will need some advanced debugging to fix.


  • None


  • Void

Generic Methods

The Box for Salesforce Developer Toolkit provides a global method that accepts an HttpRequest object as a parameter and returns an HttpResponse object. This method will utilize the authentication details of the Service Account to make callouts to Box's APIs, allowing you to focus on the business logic of your integration.


requestHttpRequestAn HttpRequest object with a set endpoint and method.


  • An HttpResponse object with the response details from calling Box's APIs.
  • Toolkit.BoxApiException if there is any missing information from the HttpRequest input.
  • null if there was an issue getting the authentication details for the Service Account. In this case, check mostRecentError.

File Operations


Available in version 3.46 and above.

Salesforce has a String length limit of 6 million characters. Due to string bloat in the base64 encoding/decoding process, this results in an effective file size limit of 4.3 megabytes.

attAttachmentThe attachment to be converted into a File in Box.
fileNameOverridestringOptional - Name of the new file. If no value is passed in, the name of the attachment is used.
folderIdOverridestringOptional - Box folder id to place this attachment in. If no value is passed in, the file will be placed in the folder associated with the record that is the parentId of the attachment. If the record-specific folder doesn't exist, it will be created.
accessTokenstringOptional - if accessToken is sent, that value is used for the Box API call. Otherwise, the default account credentials are used.


  • string returned is the id of the Box file that was created.
  • null if there was an error. In this case, check mostRecentError.


recordIdidSalesforce record id whose root folder id you want to get.


  • string returned is the Box folder id of the object root folder for the record id passed in.

Folder Operations



  • None


  • string returned is the Box folder id of the Salesforce root folder.


recordIdidSalesforce record id whose root folder id you want to get.


  • string returned is the Box folder id of the object root folder for the record id passed in.


  • This method gets the embed widget URL for a particular record so customers can use their own embed logic if desired.
  • This method respects seamless login settings so the URL will automatically log the user in if seamless login is enabled.
recordIdidSalesforce record id whose root folder id you want to get.
isMobileContextbooleanBoolean to indicate whether the URL should be mobile (true) or not (false).


  • string returned is a URL that points to the folder associated with the Salesforce record Id passed. This URL is for the Box Embed Widget and can be embedded in any Visualforce page.


recordIdidSalesforce record id whose root folder id you want to get.


  • string returned is the Box folder Id of the root folder that was created.
  • If the root folder already existed, the value returned is the Box folder id of the root folder that already existed.


folderNamestringName of the folder to be created. Folder names are subject to some restrictions. See here for more details.
parentFolderIdstringParent Box folder this folder will be created in.
accessTokenstringOptional - If accessToken is sent, that value is used for the Box API call,; otherwise, the default service account credentials are used.


  • string returned is the Box folder id of the folder that was created.
  • null is returned if a folder is not created. In this case, check mostRecentError for details.


recordIdidSalesforce record id that a Box folder will be created for.
folderNameOverridestringBy default, the record's name will be the folder name. If you want to name it something else, send that value here.
optCreateRootFolderbooleanBoolean to indicate whether to create the object root folder if it doesn't exist. If false is sent and the root folder does not exist, the call will fail.


  • string returned is the Box folder id of the folder that was created.
  • null is returned if a folder is not created. In this case, check mostRecentError for details.
  • If the Salesforce record was already associated with a Box folder, the existing Box folder id is returned.


folderIdstringBox folder Id of the folder to be moved.
newParentFolderIdstringBox folder Id of the folder that will be the new parent folder.
accessTokenstringOptional - If accessToken is sent, that value is used for the Box API call. Otherwise, the default service account credentials are used.


  • true if the folder was moved successfully.
  • false if the folder was not moved successfully. Check mostRecentError for details.

Folder Association Methods


recordIdidSalesforce record id that the folder mapping entries returned are related to.


  • List returned is a collection of all folder mapping entries associated with this record.
  • Generally, it will be an empty list if no folder mapping entries exist, but under some circumstances, it could be null.


recordIdidSalesforce record id whose folder id you wish to get.


  • string returned is the Box folder id associated with the Salesforce record id passed in.


folderIdstringBox folder id.


  • id returned is the Salesforce record id associated with the Box folder id passed in.


recordIdidSalesforce record Id that is being associated with a box folder.
folderIdstringBox folder Id being associated with a Salesforce record.


  • box__FRUP__c object - The FRUP object returned will be null if there was an error (check mostRecentError). Upon calling the commitChanges method, this FRUP entry will be inserted into the database. This method ensures consistency with other folder associations by not allowing the same folder to be associated with multiple records or vice versa.

Collaboration Methods

Collaborations created by the Box for Salesforce Developer Toolkit will not send collaboration emails to collaborators. Only the service account used for the Box for Salesforce integration will receive a collaboration email.


folderIdstringBox folder id to create a collaboration on.
boxUserIdstringBox user id to be collaborated (either boxUserId or emailAddress is required but not both).
emailAddressbox.Toolkit.CollaborationTypeEmail address of the box user to be.
collabTypestringType of collaboration (see the CollaborationType enum definition).
accessTokenstringOptional - If sent, this value is used for authentication for the box API call; if null, the service account credentials are used.


  • string returned is the id of the box collaboration that was created.
  • null returned if there was an error. In this case, check mostRecentError.


userIdidSalesforce user id to be collaborated.
recordIdidSalesforce record id of the record folder to be collaborated on.
collabTypebox.Toolkit.CollaborationTypeType of collaboration (see the CollaborationType enum definition).
optCreateFolderbooleanBoolean to indicate whether to create the Box folder associated for the Salesforce record id if it does not already exist. This also creates the root folder if it did not already exist. If set to false and the folder does not already exist, the call will fail.


  • string returned is the id of the Box collaboration that was created.
  • null returned if there was an error. In this case, check mostRecentError.