Install Java SDK
Install Java SDK
The Box Java SDK can be used to make API calls to the Box APIs in a Java project.
The SDK can be installed by adding a Gradle dependency or Maven dependency, or by cloning the source into a project. Additionally it can be installed by downloading one of the precompiled JARs from the releases page on GitHub.
Learn more about the Java SDK on GitHubGradle
Add the following dependency to the build.gradle
compile ''
Add the following to Maven dependency.
Installation from source
Download the SDK source from the Java SDK GitHub repository and add it to a project.
Precompiled JAR
Download one of the precompiled JARs for the Java SDK from the GitHub releases page.
When using one of the precompiled JARs, it is important to also add the following additional dependencies to the project.
Dependency |
minimal-json v0.9.1 |
jose4j v0.4.4 |
bouncycastle bcprov-jdk15on v1.52 |
bouncycastle bcpkix-jdk15on v1.52 |
Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) |