Verify Webhook Signatures
Verify Webhook Signatures
To protect your application against man-in-the-middle and replay attacks it is essential to verify webhook signatures. Verification ensures that the webhook payloads were actually sent by Box and that the contents of the payloads have not been changed in transport.
Verify with SDK
Although it is possible to verify SDKs manually using your own code, convenience methods are provided in our SDKs.
using Box.V2.Managers;
var body = "{\"type\":\"webhook_event\",\"webhook\":{\"id\":\"1234567890\"},\"trigger\":\"FILE.UPLOADED\",\"source\":{\"id\":\"1234567890\",\"type\":\"file\",\"name\":\"Test.txt\"}}";
var headers = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{ "box-delivery-id", "f96bb54b-ee16-4fc5-aa65-8c2d9e5b546f" },
{ "box-delivery-timestamp", "2020-01-01T00:00:00-07:00" },
{ "box-signature-algorithm", "HmacSHA256" } ,
{ "box-signature-primary", "6TfeAW3A1PASkgboxxA5yqHNKOwFyMWuEXny/FPD5hI=" },
{ "box-signature-secondary", "v+1CD1Jdo3muIcbpv5lxxgPglOqMfsNHPV899xWYydo=" },
{ "box-signature-version", "1" }
var primaryKey = "Fd28OJrZ8oNxkgmS7TbjXNgrG8v";
var secondaryKey = "KWkROAOiof4zhYUHbAmiVn63cMj"
bool isValid = BoxWebhooksManager.VerifyWebhook(
deliveryTimestamp: headers["box-delivery-timestamp"],
signaturePrimary: headers["box-signature-primary"],
signatureSecondary: headers["box-signature-secondary"],
payload: body,
primaryWebhookKey: primaryKey,
secondaryWebhookKey: secondaryKey
// Webhook message contents are shown for demonstration purposes
// Normally these would come from your HTTP handler
// Webhook message HTTP body
String messagePayload = "{"
+ "\"type\":\"webhook_event","
+ "\"webhook\":{"
+ "\"id\":\"1234567890\""
+ "},"
+ "\"trigger\":\"FILE.UPLOADED\","
+ "\"source\":{"
+ "\"id\":\"1234567890\","
+ "\"type\":\"file\","
+ "\"name\":\"Test.txt\""
+ "}}";
// Webhook message HTTP headers
Map<String, String> messageHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();
headers.put("BOX-DELIVERY-ID", "f96bb54b-ee16-4fc5-aa65-8c2d9e5b546f");
headers.put("BOX-DELIVERY-TIMESTAMP", "2020-01-01T00:00:00-07:00");
headers.put("BOX-SIGNATURE-ALGORITHM", "HmacSHA256");
headers.put("BOX-SIGNATURE-PRIMARY", "6TfeAW3A1PASkgboxxA5yqHNKOwFyMWuEXny/FPD5hI=");
headers.put("BOX-SIGNATURE-SECONDARY", "v+1CD1Jdo3muIcbpv5lxxgPglOqMfsNHPV899xWYydo=");
headers.put("BOX-SIGNATURE-VERSION", "1");
// Your application's webhook keys, obtained from the Box Developer Console
String primaryKey = "4py2I9eSFb0ezXH5iPeQRcFK1LRLCdip";
String secondaryKey = "Aq5EEEjAu4ssbz8n9UMu7EerI0LKj2TL";
BoxWebHookSignatureVerifier verifier = new BoxWebHookSignatureVerifier(primaryKey, secondaryKey);
boolean isValidMessage = verifier.verify(
if (isValidMessage) {
// Message is valid, handle it
} else {
// Message is invalid, reject it
body = b'{"webhook":{"id":"1234567890"},"trigger":"FILE.UPLOADED","source":{"id":"1234567890","type":"file","name":"Test.txt"}}'
headers = {
'box-delivery-id': 'f96bb54b-ee16-4fc5-aa65-8c2d9e5b546f',
'box-delivery-timestamp': '2020-01-01T00:00:00-07:00',
'box-signature-algorithm': 'HmacSHA256',
'box-signature-primary': '4KvFa5/unRL8aaqOlnbInTwkOmieZkn1ZVzsAJuRipE=',
'box-signature-secondary': 'yxxwBNk7tFyQSy95/VNKAf1o+j8WMPJuo/KcFc7OS0Q=',
'box-signature-version': '1',
is_validated = Webhook.validate_message(body, headers, primary_key, secondary_key)
print('The webhook message is validated to: {0}'.format(is_validated))
const BoxSDK = require('box-node-sdk');
let body = '{"type":"webhook_event","webhook":{"id":"1234567890"},"trigger":"FILE.UPLOADED","source":{"id":"1234567890","type":"file","name":"Test.txt"}}',
headers = {
'box-delivery-id': 'f96bb54b-ee16-4fc5-aa65-8c2d9e5b546f',
'box-delivery-timestamp': '2020-01-01T00:00:00-07:00',
'box-signature-algorithm': 'HmacSHA256',
'box-signature-primary': '6TfeAW3A1PASkgboxxA5yqHNKOwFyMWuEXny/FPD5hI=',
'box-signature-secondary': 'v+1CD1Jdo3muIcbpv5lxxgPglOqMfsNHPV899xWYydo=',
'box-signature-version': '1'
primaryKey = 'SamplePrimaryKey',
secondaryKey = 'SampleSecondaryKey';
let isValid = BoxSDK.validateWebhookMessage(body, headers, primaryKey, secondaryKey);
if (isValid) {
// message is valid, accept
} else {
// message is NOT valid, reject
Verify manually
If using our SDKs is not an option the following steps describe the basics of how to verify a signature.
1. Ensure valid timestamp
Firstly, ensure that the timestamp in the BOX-DELIVERY-TIMESTAMP
header of the
payload is no older than ten minutes.
var timestamp = headers['BOX-DELIVERY-TIMESTAMP'];
var date = Date.parse(timestamp);
var expired = - date > 10*60*1000;
import dateutil.parser
import pytz
import datetime
timestamp = headers["BOX-DELIVERY-TIMESTAMP"]
date = dateutil.parser.parse(timestamp).astimezone(pytz.utc)
now =
delta = datetime.timedelta(minutes=10)
expiry_date = now - deltaMinutes
expired = date >= expiry_date
2. Calculate HMAC signature
Then, calculate the HMAC of the payload using either of the two signatures found in the application's configuration on the developer console.
Make sure to append the bytes of the body of the payload first, and then the
bytes of the timestamp found in the BOX-DELIVERY-TIMESTAMP
var crypto = require('crypto');
var primaryKey = '...';
var secondaryKey = '...';
var payload = '{"type":"webhook_event"...}';
var hmac1 = crypto.createHmac('sha256', primaryKey);
var hmac2 = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secondaryKey);
import hmac
import hashlib
primary_key = '...'
secondary_key = '...'
payload = "{\"type\":\"webhook_event\"...}"
bytes = bytes(payload, 'utf-8') + bytes(timestamp, 'utf-8')
hmac1 =, bytes, hashlib.sha256).digest()
hmac2 =, bytes, hashlib.sha256).digest()
4. Convert to Base64
Make sure to convert the HMAC to a Base64
encoded digest.
var digest1 = hmac1.digest('base64');
var digest2 = hmac2.digest('base64');
import base64
digest1 = base64.b64encode(hmac1)
digest2 = base64.b64encode(hmac2)
5. Compare signatures
Finally, compare the encoded digest with the value of the
Make sure to compare the value of the BOX-SIGNATURE-PRIMARY
to the digest created with the primary key, and the value of the
header to the digest created with the secondary key.
var signature1 = headers['BOX-SIGNATURE-SECONDARY'];
var signature2 = headers['BOX-SIGNATURE-PRIMARY'];
var primarySignatureValid = digest1 === signature1
var secondarySignatureValid = digest2 === signature2
var valid = !expired && (primarySignatureValid || secondarySignatureValid)
signature1 = headers["BOX-SIGNATURE-SECONDARY"]
signature2 = headers["BOX-SIGNATURE-PRIMARY"]
primary_sig_valid = digest1 === signature1
secondary_sig_valid = digest2 === signature2
valid = !expired && (primary_sig_valid || secondary_sig_valid)