Retrieves a retention policy.
Returns the retention policy object.
An unexpected client error.
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'
BoxRetentionPolicy policy = await client.RetentionPoliciesManager.GetRetentionPolicyAsync("11111");
// Get the policy name and status for a given retention policy
BoxRetentionPolicy policy = new BoxRetentionPolicy(api, id);
policy.getInfo("policy_name", "status");
retention_policy = client.retention_policy(policy_id='12345').get()
print('Retention Policy ID is {0} and the name is {1}'.format(, retention_policy.policy_name))
.then(policy => {
/* policy -> {
type: 'retention_policy',
id: '123456789',
policy_name: 'Tax Documents',
policy_type: 'indefinite',
retention_length: 'indefinite',
disposition_action: 'remove_retention',
can_owner_extend_retention: false,
status: 'active',
are_owners_notified: true,
custom_notification_recipients: []
assignment_counts: { enterprise: 0, folder: 1, metadata_template: 0 },
{ type: 'user',
id: '11111',
name: 'Example User',
login: '' },
created_at: '2015-05-01T11:12:54-07:00',
modified_at: '2015-06-08T11:11:50-07:00' }