Retrieves information about a specific task.
Returns a task object.
Returns an error when the task could not be found or the user does not have access to the file the task is assigned to.
An unexpected client error.
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'
BoxTask task = await client.TasksManager.GetTaskAsync("11111");
BoxTask task = new BoxTask(api, "id");
BoxTask.Info info = task.getInfo();
task = client.task(task_id='12345').get()
print('Task ID is {0} and the type is {1}'.format(, task.type))
.then(task => {
/* task -> {
type: 'task',
id: '11111',
{ type: 'file',
id: '22222',
sequence_id: '0',
etag: '0',
sha1: '0bbd79a105c504f99573e3799756debba4c760cd',
name: 'box-logo.png' },
due_at: '2014-04-03T11:09:43-07:00',
action: 'review',
message: 'Please review for publication!',
task_assignment_collection: { total_count: 0, entries: [] },
is_completed: false,
{ type: 'user',
id: '33333',
name: 'Example User',
login: '' },
created_at: '2013-04-03T11:12:54-07:00' }