Returns the current terms of service text and settings for the enterprise.
Limits the results to the terms of service of the given type.
Value is one of external
Returns a collection of terms of service text and settings for the enterprise.
An unexpected client error.
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'
BoxTermsOfServiceCollection<BoxTermsOfService> termsOfService = await client.TermsOfServiceManager
List<BoxTermsOfService.Info> termsOfServices = BoxTermsOfService.getAllTermsOfServices(api);
for(BoxTermsOfService.Info termsOfServiceInfo : termsOfServices){
// Do something with the terms of service.
terms_of_services = client.get_terms_of_services()
for terms_of_service in terms_of_services:
print('Terms of Service ID is {0} and the message is {1}'.format(, terms_of_service.text))
.then(termsOfService => {
/* termsOfService -> {
entries: [
total_count: 1,
{ type: 'terms_of_service',
id: '12345',
status: 'disabled',
enterprise: { type: 'enterprise', id: '55555' },
tos_type: 'managed',
text: 'By using this service, you agree to ...',
created_at: '2018-04-19T13:55:09-07:00',
modified_at: '2018-04-19T13:55:09-07:00' }
let termsOfServiceItems = client.termsOfService.listForEnterprise()
print("Terms of Service with ID \(termsOfServiceItems[0].id) and Terms of Service with ID \(termsOfServiceItems[1].id) was retrieved.")