Retrieves an image of a the user's avatar.
When an avatar can be found for the user the image data will be returned in the body of the response.
An unexpected client error.
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'
Stream imageStream = await client.UsersManager.GetUserAvatar(string userId);
String userID = "33333";
BoxUser user = new BoxUser(api, userID);
InputStream avatarStream = user.getAvatar();
avatar = client.user('33333').get_avatar()
.then(avatarImageStream => {
avatarImageStream.on('data', bytes => {
// read avatar image bytes
client.users.getAvatar(userId: "33333") { (result: Result<Data, BoxSDKError>) in
guard case let .success(avatarData) = result else {
print("Error getting user avatar")
let avatarImage = UIImage(data: avatarData)