Create legal hold policy


Create a new legal hold policy.



Request Body

stringin bodyoptional
A custom policy for the sales team500

A description for the policy.

string / date-timein bodyoptional

The filter end date.

When this policy is applied using a custodian legal hold assignments, it will only apply to file versions created or uploaded inside of the date range. Other assignment types, such as folders and files, will ignore the date filter.

Required if is_ongoing is set to false.

string / date-timein bodyoptional

The filter start date.

When this policy is applied using a custodian legal hold assignments, it will only apply to file versions created or uploaded inside of the date range. Other assignment types, such as folders and files, will ignore the date filter.

Required if is_ongoing is set to false.

booleanin bodyoptional

Whether new assignments under this policy should continue applying to files even after initialization.

When this policy is applied using a legal hold assignment, it will continue applying the policy to any new file versions even after it has been applied.

For example, if a legal hold assignment is placed on a user today, and that user uploads a file tomorrow, that file will get held. This will continue until the policy is retired.

Required if no filter dates are set.

stringin bodyrequired
Sales Policy254

The name of the policy.


application/jsonLegal hold policy

Returns a new legal hold policy object.

application/jsonLegal hold policy

Returns an error if required parameters are missing, or neither is_ongoing or filter dates are specified.

application/jsonClient error

Returns an error if a policy with this name already exists.

application/jsonClient error

An unexpected client error.

Create legal hold policy
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Request Example

curl -X POST \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json" '
     -d '{
       "policy_name": "Policy 3",
       "description": "Automatic created policy"
var policyParams = new BoxLegalHoldPolicyRequest()
    PolicyName = "IRS Audit"
BoxLegalHoldPolicy policy = await client.LegalHoldPoliciesManager
BoxLegalHoldPolicy.Info policyInfo = BoxLegalHoldPolicy.create(api, name, description, startedAt, endedAt);
new_policy = client.create_legal_hold_policy('New Policy', is_ongoing=True)
print('Created legal hold policy with ID {0}'.format(
client.legalHoldPolicies.create('IRS Audit')
	.then(policy => {
		/* policy -> {
			type: 'legal_hold_policy',
			id: '11111',
			policy_name: 'IRS Audit',
			description: '',
			status: 'active',
			assignment_counts: { user: 0, folder: 0, file: 0, file_version: 0 },
			is_ongoing: true,
			{ type: 'user',
				id: '22222',
				name: 'Example User',
				login: '' },
			created_at: '2017-01-24T16:57:22-08:00',
			modified_at: '2017-01-24T16:57:22-08:00',
			deleted_at: null,
			filter_started_at: null,
			filter_ended_at: null }
client.legalHolds.create(name: "New Folder") { (result: Result<LegalHoldPolicy, BoxSDKError>) in
    guard case let .success(policy) = result else {
        print("Error creating legal hold policy")
    print("Created legal hold policy \"\(\"")