Assigns a retention policy to an item.
The item to assign the policy to
The ID of item to assign the policy to.
Set to null
or omit when type
is set to
The type of item to assign the policy to.
Value is one of enterprise
The ID of the retention policy to assign
Returns a new retention policy assignment object.
Returns an error if an id
is specified while assigning a the
retention policy to an enterprise.
Returns an error if no retention policy with the given policy_id
Returns an error if a retention policy of equal or greater length has already been assigned to this item.
An unexpected client error.
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json" '
-d '{
"policy_id": "173463",
"assign_to": {
"type": "folder",
"id": "6564564"
var assignmentParams = new BoxRetentionPolicyAssignmentRequest()
PolicyId = "11111",
AssignTo = new BoxRequestEntity()
Type = BoxType.folder,
Id = "22222"
BoxRetentionPolicyAssignment assignment = await client.RetentionPoliciesManager
// Assign the policy to the entire enterprise
BoxRetentionPolicy policy = new BoxRetentionPolicy(api, policyID);
BoxRetentionPolicyAssignment.Info enterpriseAssignmentInfo = policy.assignToEnterprise();
// Assign the policy to a single folder
BoxFolder folder = new BoxFolder(api, folderID);
BoxRetentionPolicyAssignment.Info folderAssignmentInfo = policy.assignTo(folder);
// Assign the policy to all items with metadata template "f0dce190-8106-43ca-9d67-7dce9b10a55e"
BoxRetentionPolicyAssignment.Info metadataAssignmentInfo = policy.assignToMetadataTemplate("f0dce190-8106-43ca-9d67-7dce9b10a55e");
folder = client.folder(folder_id='1111')
assignment = client.retention_policy(policy_id='12345').assign(folder)
print('Assignment ID is {0} and it is assigned by {1}'.format(,
client.retentionPolicies.assign('11111', 'folder', '22222')
.then(assignment => {
/* assignment -> {
type: 'retention_policy_assignment',
id: '12345',
{ type: 'retention_policy',
id: '11111',
policy_name: 'Tax Documents' },
assigned_to: { type: 'folder', id: '22222' },
{ type: 'user',
id: '33333',
name: 'Example User',
login: '' },
assigned_at: '2015-07-20T14:28:09-07:00' }