Updates a task assignment. This endpoint can be used to update the state of a task assigned to a user.
The ID of the task assignment.
Looks good to me
An optional message by the assignee that can be added to the task.
The state of the task assigned to the user.
value of complete
this can be
or completed
of review
this can be
, approved
, or rejected
.Value is one of completed
Returns the updated task assignment object.
Returns an error if a resolution state is incompatible with the action type of the task.
Returns an error when the task assignment could not be found or the user does not have access to the file the task is assigned to.
An unexpected client error.
curl -X PUT https://api.box.com/2.0/task_assignments/12345 \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json" '
-d '{
"message": "New message",
"resolution_state": "completed"
var requestParams = new BoxTaskAssignmentUpdateRequest()
Id = "12345",
ResolutionState = ResolutionStateType.approved
BoxTaskAssignment updatedAssignment = await client.TasksManager.UpdateTaskAssignmentAsync(requestParams);
String assignmentID = "12345";
BoxTaskAssignment taskAssignment = new BoxTaskAssignment(api, assignmentID);
BoxTaskAssignment.Info info = taskAssignment.getInfo();
info.addPendingChange("resolution_state", "approved");
from boxsdk.object.task_assignment import ResolutionState
updated_task = {'resolution_state': ResolutionState.APPROVED}
updated_assignment = client.task_assignment(assignment_id='12345').update_info(updated_task)
print('Assignment ID is {0} and resolution state is {1}'.format(updated_assignment.id, updated_assignment.resolution_state))
// Complete a task
message: 'Done!',
resolution_state: client.tasks.resolutionStates.COMPLETE
.then(assignment => {
/* assignment -> {
type: 'task_assignment',
id: '12345',
{ type: 'file',
id: '33333',
sequence_id: '0',
etag: '0',
sha1: '7840095ee096ee8297676a138d4e316eabb3ec96',
name: 'script.js' },
{ type: 'user',
id: '22222',
name: 'Sample Assignee',
login: 'assignee@exmaple.com' },
message: 'Done!',
completed_at: null,
assigned_at: '2013-05-10T11:43:41-07:00',
reminded_at: null,
resolution_state: 'complete',
{ type: 'user',
id: '33333',
name: 'Example User',
login: 'user@example.com' } }