Updates the status for a terms of service for a user.
The ID of the terms of service status.
Whether the user has accepted the terms.
Returns the updated terms of service status object.
An unexpected client error.
curl -X PUT https://api.box.com/2.0/terms_of_service_user_statuses/324234 \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json" '
-d '{
"is_accepted": true
BoxTermsOfServiceUserStatuses updatedStatus = await client.TermsOfServiceManager
.UpdateTermsofServiceUserStatusesAsync("12345", false);
BoxTermsOfServiceUserStatus tosUserStatus = new BoxTermsOfServiceUserStatus(api, "tos-user-status-id");
BoxTermOfServiceUserStatus.Info tosUserStatusInfo = tosUserStatus.new Info();
user_status = client.terms_of_service_user_status(tos_user_status_id='12345').update_info({'is_accepted': True})
print('Terms of Service User Status ID is {0} and the accepted status is {1}'.format(user_status.id, user_status.is_accepted))
client.termsOfService.updateUserStatus('5678', false)
.then(tosStatus => {
/* tosStatus -> {
type: 'terms_of_service_user_status',
id: '12345',
tos: { type: 'terms_of_service', id: '11111' },
user: { type: 'user', id: '22222' },
is_accepted: false,
created_at: '2018-04-11T15:33:49-07:00',
modified_at: '2018-04-11T15:33:49-07:00' }